破坏附近停泊的车辆,并引起火警shattering nearby vehicles and causing fires
The smell of burnt flesh hung in the air at the scene.
被炸成废墟was reduced to rubble by an explosion
连串电话亭爆炸案a spate of phone-box bombings
发动自杀式炸弹袭击commit suicide bombings
集束炸弹/子母弹cluster bomb
准备引爆炸弹was about to detonate a bomb
制造恐慌creating fear and panic
制造爆炸品making explosive substances
误炸bombing error
遥控炸弹remote-activated bombs
燃烧弹a petrol bomb
爆炸exploded/went off
The questions surrounding the bombing must be cleared up.
爆炸品处理课Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau
Police ordered about 200 people out of a shopping centre.
「崩牙驹」尹国驹“broken tooth" Wan Kuok-koi
一直有严密监视该黑社会集团活动gang's activities had been under heavy surveillance
Many of the charges stemmed from an alleged extortion scheme at the Manhattan topless club.
大富豪张子强Big Spender Cheung Tze-keung
Wan raked in tens of millions of dollars from his loansharking and illegal gambling operations.
racket; a drugs/gambling/smuggling racket/ a protection racket
犯罪活动mob activities
甘比诺家族the Gambino crime family
在过去数周收到很多恐吓had received many threats in past weeks
The Organised Crime and Triad Bureau
有黑社会背景had triad backgrounds
was being looked after by a triad brother
保护费protection money
This particular raid clearly illustrates the determination of the police in fighting against triad expansion in Hong Kong.
洗黑钱money laundering
Hong Kong police seized their largest haul of weapons and ammunition in 20 years after smashing a crime syndicate.
害怕遭报复袭击fears revenge attacks from somebody
高利贷活动loansharking business
从事犯罪活动所得的收益proceeds from criminal ventures
黑手党龙头戈蒂John Gotti Jnr
黑社会人士/黑社会会员triad members/gang members
黑社会刺青triad tattoos
黑社会的非法活动illicit activities of triad gangs
黑道帮派triad gangs
黑帮家法trial family discipline
捣毁了几个黑社会集团smashed some trial societies
对黑社会的恐吓显得忧心如焚was distraught over triad threats
敲诈extortion (n)/extort (vt)/racketeering (n); To extort is to illegally force someone to give you money by threatening them./extort money from/out of sb/Racketeering is obtaining money dishonestly by means of a carefully planned system.
敲诈者racketeer (n)
怀疑三合会会员suspected triad members
赞扬澳门政府打击洗黑钱活动的决心commended Macau's commitment to fighting money laundering
(钞票)金属线metal thread
(钞票)隐形银码concealed denominations
(银行)伪冒网站fraudulent bank websites
(调包、顶替、顶包)假称自己是司机falsely representing himself as the driver/stand in as the driver
入侵户口gain fraudulent access to customers' accounts
巧妙的骗局an elaborate hoax
用假信用卡used fake credit cards
向客户承诺会有可观回报promised clients lucrative returns
车祸后安排另一位司机顶包做代罪羔羊making arrangements for a bogus driver to take responsibility for the crash
空壳公司a shelf company
持有伪钞possessing counterfeit banknotes
看来是持伪造英国护照乘飞机was apparently traveling on a false British passport
要她们预缴三个月费用才收她们agreed to take them in return for three months' fees in advance
Mainland authorities have been asked to help trace the source of almost 32,000 bottles of fake bird's nest products grabbed by Hong Kong customs officers.
涉嫌以邮购骗局诈骗投资者allegedly swindling investors in his company's mail-order schemes
涉嫌吸纳客户用以投资的资金,将之转移到用假公司名义,在美国、加勒比海和瑞士开的银行户口allegedly used American, Caribbean and Swiss bank accounts of bogus corporation to siphon money he was supposed to be investing
真钞genuine notes
伪品counterfeit (a)/(n)/(v); counterfeit watches/counterfeit money/counterfeit passport
伪造亡夫遗嘱forging her husband's will
伪造官方文件forging official documents
伪造信用状forging a letter of credit
伪造纪录falsifying records
伪钞fake notes/counterfeit notes
伪装masquerade (n)/(vi); masquerade as sb/sth
假货fake goods
假装pretence (n); keep up the pretence of doing sth/under the pretence of doing sth/make a pretence of doing sth
假燕窝bogus bird's nest/fake bird's nest products
被引诱参加一项供款计划had been lured into joining a plan
被欺骗和摆布had been duped and manipulated
被骗have been duped
被骗的人dupe (n)
设骗局的人confidence tricksters
were allegedly obtained illegally
顶包当肇事者stand in for Tse as the culprit
欺骗dupe (vt); dupe sb into doing sth
虚报收益inflated its revenues
诈取swindle (vt)/(sing)
诈骗/诈骗罪fraud (n); She was charged with credit card fraud.
HSBC will consider covering part of the customers' losses.
新改良的防伪特征improved security features
会计花招/造数accounting shenanigans
Tests by government chemists revealed it contained no elements of bird's nest at all.
经禁制令冻结have been frozen under restraint orders
层压式消费供款计划pyramid investment scheme
操纵股价share-price rigging
声称purportedly/is purported to be
**swindler/conman/ fraudsters
骗局/骗人的把戏scam/hoax/a put-on job
变声和用假名using another voice and assumed name
Calls for public interest to be permitted as a defence to a charge of illegal disclosure of protected information were also rejected.
But the tough security measures introduced in the aftermath of the attacks - and better use of intelligence - have, so far, kept America safe.
已尽全力打击恐怖主义have done the maximum in the fight against terrorism
不要向绑架分子屈从not to pander to the kidnappers
不满修订,认为只是象征式dismissed the amendments as superficial
五角大厦the Pentagon
仍然因九一一事件受惊who are still reeling from the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11
反恐行动anti-terrorism operation
反恐官员counterterrorism officials
反恐策略anti-terrorism strategy
反恐战争the "war against terror"/"war on terror"
巴勒斯坦恐怖袭击Palestinian terrorist attacks
引爆点、世贸遗址Ground Zero
以换取中国支持反恐战争in exchange for China's backing in the war against terror
He said he has no ties to terrorism.
出席很多纪念活动和丧礼attended many memorials and funerals
加强追查恐怖份子step up their efforts to track down terrorists
北方联盟Northern Alliance
There were body parts strewn all over the place.
必须和恐怖主义战闹到底need to be unyielding in completing the war on terrorism
打击恐怖主义combatting terrorism
交出拉登hand over Bin Laden
伊斯兰狂热份子Islamic fanatics
伊斯兰原教主义份子Islamic fundamentalists
伊斯兰教的发源地the cradle of Islam
伊斯兰激进分子radical Islamic extremists
向警察通讯员买料buying confidential crime information from police communication officers
在反恐活动上合作co-operation on counter-terrorism activities
在周二接到一个信封,内有恐吓信和白色粉末was sent an envelope on Tuesday containing a threatening letter and white powder
在广场里乱枪扫射spray the centre with bullets
She also said the original proposals had been liberal, and called the changes clarifications rather than concessions.
安抚国民惊惶不安的情绪pacifying the jittery mood of his people
Since April, the rebels have executed 23 hostages there.
自杀式炸弹suicide bomber
自杀式撞机袭击suicide plane attacks
自愿参与圣战volunteering for the jihad
But the British government stood firm in its determination not to give in to terrorists.
The making of concessions would only have emboldened the terrorists and led to more hostages being taken.
庇护萨达姆政权的成员sheltering members of Saddam Hussein's government
We have activated the national security mechanism.
We will never yield to terrorists.
把北韩人民共和国到为邪恶轴心国之一listed the DPRK as part of the "axis of evil"
It is very convenient to put the failure on Pakistan.
把两座世贸中心夷为平地levelling two blocks of the World Trade Centre
把恐怖袭击警报级别提升至橙色raised the US security level to ''code orange''
改善二十三条辩论引致的社会分化heal the rift that the debate has sowed in the community
决心铲除世界各地的恐怖主义,坚定不移has been determined to keep his commitment to eliminate global terrorism
没有尽力根除阿盖达组织和塔利班政权haven't done enough to root out al-Qaeda and the Taliban
车臣回教分离主义者separatist Muslims in Chechnya
那改变世界的一日that world-altering day
依然没有发表白纸草案作进一步咨询is still not granting further consultation in the form of a white bill
协助和保护恐怖分子,包括阿盖达组织aids and protects terrorists including members of al Qaeda
拉登或其党羽bin Laden or his associates
阿拉伯激进人士Arab radicals
阿奎德集团/阿盖德集团al-Qaeda organisation
阿盖达恐怖组织al Qaeda terrorist network
保护重要基建免受恐怖袭击protect vital infrastructures from terrorist attacks
Few politicians dared to make public appearances.
The actions of US troops have bred resentment among Muslims inside and outside Iraq.
展开拯救行动stage a rescue bid
恐怖分子的支持者terrorist sympathizers
Terrorism has become the No. 1 issue for American voters.
恐怖主义首领terrorist leader
恐怖事件terrorist incidents